How to Care For Leather Jacket - Do's and Don’ts
The year 1970s introduced us to leather jackets, which have remained a style statement through the years. It changed from being a necessity to a luxury item, which can be worn in all seasons. No other fashion style could give it a tough competition. However, owning a leather coat needs high maintenance because it requires consistent care. If you neglect it, it will end up losing its shine, texture and will look old as if you bought it years ago. People are still confused how to keep this fashion piece looking brand new and original, therefore, here are a few dos and don’ts that you need to keep in your mind if you want to take care of your leather jackets:
Do use special leather jacket conditioner
If you want to remove any kind of stains and dust from your leather jacket and you want it to look new, then it is essential that you use a leather jacket conditioner occasionally. Using this conditioner will restore the oils of the leather and maintain the shine. You need to first find out which leather is used in your jacket and a conditioner that is designed for the specific material.
Don't use it a lot
It is important to keep in mind that you should only utilize the conditioner when the leather of your coat starts to get really dry and stiff, otherwise, using it without any reason will ruin the quality of the material. Moreover, do not end up using a conditioner that contains wax, petroleum, or any other kind of mineral oil.
Do polish your jacket
You should once in a week polish your jacket to regain its texture and to keep its shine.
Don't polish it every day
However, never start polishing your jacket everyday just to make it look shiny and new. It will only end up making your jacket old, lose its colour, texture, dry it out and clog the surface with oils. Furthermore, do not end up using shoe polish on your coat because shoe polish has been designed specifically for shoes.
Do dry it by hanging
If in any circumstances, your real leather jacket womens gets wet due to rain or some other reason; you should dry it by hanging it. Make sure you check the pockets before drying it or your coat will end up being stretched.
Don't expose it to the sun
Do not expose your leather jacket to the sun. If you decide to dry it by hanging it out where direct sunlight reaches or any other heating source, chances are that your jacket will be damaged or it will get dry. Let your outerwear dry naturally.
Do use a brush to clean it
Your favorite piece will end up being excessively used because of its elegant and classy style. However, overusing it will result in dust and sand on it. You must eradicate any kind of dust or sand on the jacket to make it look new and clean. You can do that by using a gentle brush or cloth.
Don't use anything harsh to clean it
It is important to remember that this sensitive piece in your wardrobe can be ruined easily so make sure that you do not use anything harsh to clean it. Avoid using hard brushes and try buying a camel hairbrush. You can also use a dry cotton cloth to clean it.
Do store it in a cool place
You must keep your coat away from any kind of heat sources or direct sunlight, which stores a potential threat to its material and surface. Always store it in a cool place, which will ensure that its material stays in its place. Cool places will allow it to breathe and it can be protected from the humid weather.
Don't store it in a plastic bag
Apart from avoiding any kind of heat sources, ensure that you do not end up storing it in a plastic bag or any kind of shopper. Your jacket needs to breathe to function just as you need to.
Do use a padded clothes hanger
Mens real leather jacket by leather chase can get stretched without doing anything because of how much it’s used and how it is designed, therefore, whenever you are done using it for the day, remember to hang it on a padded clothes hanger. It will also prevent wrinkles.
Don't use regular hangers
Padded clothes hangers are specifically designed for expensive material like leather. If you end up using a regular one, you will ruin your jacket without wearing it.
Do clean the inner lining
Sweat and dirt will be captured in the inner lining of the coat if you wear it a lot. As a result, your coat starts to smell unpleasant and it will be easily ruined in the future. To avoid this, try letting it out in the fresh air once in a while away from sunlight. You can also use vinegar on it or wash it lightly with a detergent.
Don't wash it a lot
You should clear the inner lining every month but that does not mean that you should wash it a lot just to clean it. If you do that, then be ready to buy another one because this one is being ruined.
To sum up, this style statement, which has remained a timeless classic through the years, demands a lot of your time and effort. It needs to be cleaned and polished consistently because of how it is designed and made of sensitive material. Leather is expensive and if you neglect it, it will not survive much longer. Therefore, to make sure that it looks brand new just like when you first bought it, you need to clean its inner lining every month, hang it in a cool and breathable space and to know the don’ts and dos methods when it gets wet or dirty due to various reasons.