An Ultimate Guide to Buying a Leather Jacket
A leather jacket is not just a coat, but it's a men's attitude. It is often regarded as a versatile classic. A man’s wardrobe isn’t complete without having a leather jacket. Buying a good quality leather jacket is not an easy task. It is, indeed, a stressful process. A leather jacket of good quality is an investment for a lifetime. Thus, it is meant to be last for many years.
If you are also the one who is looking to buy a leather jacket but have no idea what you must consider while buying a jacket, then don’t worry. To make your shopping bit easy we have combined five criteria which are most important while you buy a leather jacket. Let’s find out more about it.
Fitting Criteria:
The foremost important thing when buying a leather jacket is to look at its fitting criteria. It is because a good fitting makes possible ease of movement. Your jacket should function like a second skin, which fits easily to your body frame. While choosing a leather jacket, make sure that the jacket shoulder-length is exactly right on you. It should be neither too long, which makes your upper body shape uneven nor too small, which will make you look compact.
Your jacket’s sleeves should be no longer than your wrists and have high-cut armholes. These armholes offer room to move your arms freely without letting the fabric hanging loosely at the armpits. Thus, look for a jacket which has armholes in it. Also, the collars and pockets must lie down flat on your chest when you wear it for a trial.
While buying a jacket, you must also check its length. Leather jackets usually have a short length as they give a more modern and classy look. Always buy a jacket which sits at your waist and should not touch the middle of your trouser pockets. Your jacket should be of good fitting, but it doesn’t mean that you should choose too-snug fitting. You must avoid it because such jackets will make you feel uncomfortable and as it is going to last for many years so, it needs to adapt to changes your body is likely to endure.
Fabric Criteria:
The animal skin used in the manufacturing of leather jackets makes a great difference between the leather jacket you own and the one that you would sleep in. When you are buying a leather jacket so, ensure that the texture used is of cowhide, calfskin, horsehide, goatskin, lambskin, or sheepskin. All these skins are best for producing a good quality leather jacket; thus, you should consider buying a leather jacket if it’s made up of any of the skin as mentioned above types.
Secondly, you must buy a jacket which is made up of the best quality leather such as, full-grain, top-grain, split-grain, and corrected grain leather type.
Style Criteria:
When you are buying a leather jacket, you must first be sure which style of jacket will look best on you. Leather jackets are available in various styles such as double ride, moto racer, bomber, utility, car coat, cattleman, duster, varsity, and fencing jacket. You must buy one according to your need and the one which suits you too because the jackets enhance the appearance and shape of the wearer too.
Color Criteria:
Black is the most popular color for leather jackets. But, that doesn’t mean that it is inevitably the best choice for a leather jacket. You can also choose shades of brown, beige, gray, and tan.
If you select a bright color, make sure that you have the approach and confidence, and to carry it well.
Pricing Criteria:
Buying a good quality leather jacket ultimately means spending a lot of money. But since it's a lifetime investment so, you can think of buying an expensive leather jacket rather than buying a cheap jacket. However, there are cheap real leather jackets available in the market which are made up of 100% pure leather and are pocket-friendly too but, to buy them you must know how to identify them.
The average cost for a good quality leather jacket ranges from $500 to $1000. This price might be too much for many people, but it is not an unfair amount to pay if you consider the value of the jacket.
Other Things to Pay Attention:
There are other things too which you must consider while buying a leather jacket. It includes hardware and lining and stitching.
You must pay close attention to hardware details like buckles, buttons, and zips while buying a leather jacket. Always look for accessories which you can wear easily and are expensive to replace.
Lining and Stitching:
Always inspect the stitching on both the inner and outer seams. The seams must be strong as well as the bottom border should be straight. Also, check the lining in the pockets as they are most vulnerable to tear. If the stitching is done with a polyester thread than it is a sign of good quality, also there should be no loose ends or any potential for the thread to loosen in the future.
We are hoping that now you can easily buy a good quality leather jacket and can project a cool, handsome, and tough-guy image.